Saturday, July 10, 2010

Next Episode

The next episode is going to take a second. I started a Documentary a few months back and have been busy lately. Now I have some time to work on it so IM gonna do it! lol anyway. I have been looking forward to this for a while so hang on and Ill have a few good shirt and some good videos. LAter

Dr Jack

Friday, July 9, 2010

3 Minutes with Dr Jack; Crabbing Episode

This was a fun trip. I figured I should make a shirt with a crab on it because it really gets to the essence of the sea. lol Anyway. This shirt will also be for sale soon. Every episode will have a shirt associated with it. You may purchase the shirts as soon as I figure out the best way for you to order them. I want to make sure you get the best deal possable. IM tired of getting upsold on everything. I want you to have my shirts for the least possable amount. Thats cool right? So next month look for some way to order these shirts. Ill get a price soon too. lol Later

Dr Jack

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Azreal the rest of the footage.

This is some footage from him wrestling with the NTWA.

Azreal T Shirt

SO this is my second episode. Ill be posting another video about Azreal that features him wrestling here in a bit. I am still getting used to what I want to do. I set up my desk and green screen yesterday. My screen printing studio is ready to go and I have a guest bedroom now.

Soon I will be up to speed and the idea will be to produce T shirts and sell them via the blog. So everyone get your paypal ready cause as soon as I figure that part out Im going to sell you a Shirt.

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Show Format

Ok so when you start a new show you have to have a format. Format is how all of the elements of the film are used to portray the idea of the film. Its basically the the thing about a show that makes you recognize the show quickly by how it looks and sounds.
Ive been back and forth about the length of the show. I'm long winded and I don't feel 3 minutes can contain all of this knowledge I have to give to the world. SO I will be using 3 minutes with Dr Jack for the ADD crowd who wants it all at once, fast N hard. lol I will also have The Dr Jack Show which will be a show that explores the human condition through someones daily screwing up and other human behavior. Now as for information each episode will have a subject that will be explored in my own way. SO I will take suggestions and I invite you to email me and bitch about stuff.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Video Link Test #3 ; NASA Mike and His Fusion Generator.

This was a highschool friend from band and now he works at NASA (JPL)on the MARS Lander. He designs the circuts and writes the software for the lander. And he made this in his spare time at NASA.

Video Link Test #2 ; 2010 Camaro Birthday!

My roomates let me borrow the Camaro. lol

Video Link Test

This is my first episode of 3 Minutes with Dr Jack. Give me a few episodes to dial in my format and effects and we will be there. Later people.

3 Minutes with Dr Jack ; The Introduction

Well I was made aware that I should make a blog today. SO here I am. My Name is Dr Jack and I am the Owner of Fat Chick Productions. Mine is a company that produces commercials in HD and limited special effects. Don't ask me to do Avatar. I also have been a DJ for 16 years with the last 5 as a mobile DJ doing Proms Birthdays and Weddings. I recently switched to film as it is way less equipment and gas. I started making/editing videos back when it was new to Burn a CD. I would dream of someday burning my own DVD. Now Ive killed a few DVD burners. lol
My most recent venture is Screen Printing. I am going to take it back to the beginning and show you some of my screw ups and some of my triumphs. I also will be covering the board on subjects. I am OPINIONATED! and RUDE! and I LIKE TO MESS WITH PEOPLE! ITS LOTS OF FUN!
But don't take offence I'm just drawn this way. Someday my PEOPLE will come rescue me from this planet. Till then I'm going to share my, most of the time, Way off opinions and some cool adventures with you. Ill be in the editing room for a sec and I have to figure out how to do videos on this thing so here goes. Till next time.

Dr Jack